Shastha Ambe Mohr Rice 10 lbs



Shastha Ambe Mohr Rice

Weight : 10 lbs.

Benefits :

  • Ambe Mohr rice is short-grained aromatic rice and has the most economical and versatile cooking nature.
  • This name is derived from the Marathi language where 'Ambe' means 'Mango' and 'Mohar' means 'Blossoms'
  • A lot of delicious dishes that includes Khichadi, Pulao and all types of briyani can be prepared with the aromatic Ambe Mohr rice.
  • This rice is a rich source of energy and essential vitamins. The strong mangoish aroma makes it a little sweet to taste;
  • Rice made from this is typically sticky, fragrant, and compliments Indian veg, non-veg curries, or dal (lentil soup).

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